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My Local Grocery Store
by Dennis Hughes

Waiting outside my grocery store
In a single file
It's a global quarantine
Humanity on trial
From behind her face mask
The grocery clerk does smile
She'll let me in with a clean cart
In a little while

My friendly local grocery store
A happy place to be
Miles of aisles all kinds of food
Surrounds me comfortably
And if I cannot find
What I am seeking carefully
The grocers in green aprons know
That it's on Aisle Three

I adjust my face mask
It’s akimbo on my face
Jostled by an errant shopper
At the dairy case
The bulk bins are all empty now
From sea to shining sea
Right here in America
The land of great bounty

The paper goods department echoes
Softly when you walk
It feels kind of ghostly
People whisper when they talk
The grocers  calmly tell us
"There will be more TP soon
Warehouse trucks will stock us up
By May or early June"

The hot food bar is shut down
And the salad bar is dry
Usually it's stacked with veggies
Piled two feet high
The eggs are getting scanty
At the end of Aisle Four
A lady tried to swipe some by
Rolling them out the door

The ice cream's decimated
But they have some frozen pies
I'm going for a flavor
That I never, ever tried
Fresh squeezed OJ's a memory
I give a little sigh
No buttermilk for pancakes
But somehow I will get by

See all the tasty cookies
The fresh pies, the chocolate cakes
They're stacked as high as usual
That is no mistake
We don’t live in czarist Russia
That would be no good
This here's the United States
Where we love comfort food

A virus from the jungle
In the pangolin fondue?
Watch what you put in your mouth
Or it just might bite you
Blowfish sauté, bat wing pate’
Toast with jellyfish jam?
You'd best think twice try beans and rice
With a nice roasted yam

The checkout line is lengthy
Way back to the chilled drink case
I adjust my latex gloves
Try not to scratch my face
The cheese guy has no samples
No toothpicks and no tray
But I don't mind since I did find
All that I need today

©2021 Dennis Hughes -all rights reserved
Our Family of Clients
Share Organics represents manufacturers of high quality organic products
in frozen, chill, dry grocery and supplements.

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We work with hundreds stores in Northern California, including all chains, co-ops and independents.

©2021 Dennis Hughes -all rights reserved Share Organics -  Santa Rosa, CA